
| Eero Paloheimo – all books|

Kiinalainen juttu, Kiuas Kustannus, 2018, 583 s.

Sanoin, Amanita, 2011, 564 s.

Tämä on Afrikka, (This is Africa), WSOY, 2007, 467 s.

Struktuuri, (The Structure), Terra Cognita, 2004, 288 s.
The Structure discusses the amazing structural similarities between the nature and the constructed environment, using ca. 500 photographs and related text. A small edition in English has been published in Finland.

Megaevoluutio, (The Megaevolution), WSOY, 2002, 306 s.
The Megaevolution deals with the development of the universe from the Big Bang to the present day on the basis of physicalism and attempts to visualise the forecastable development of our planet from now on. It is divided into four interconnected and interdependent parts forming a single logical whole.

The Way Towards a New Europe, WSOY,1996, 455 s.
The Way Towards a New Europe offers a theoretical analysis and detailed solutions for tackling the problems of Europe on the basis of a broad change in ideological direction.

NOTE: The Way Towards a New Europe is published in English on this website. Click here to view.

Välit selviksi — ja joka suuntaan, (A Blow in All Directions), WSOY, 1991, 250 s.
A Blow in All Directions is based on letters addressed to three leading Finnish influencers (Pentti Linkola, Claes and Jan-Otto Andersson and Martti Tiuri), this pamphlet tries to resolve the differences between their concepts of society.

Maan tie, (The Earth’s Path), WSOY, 1989, 249 s.
The Earth’s Path discusses the effects of a life-oriented ethic on practical solutions as an alternative to the traditional anthropocentric ethic. It also offers a philosophical basis for discovering equitable answers to environmental questions.

Maa, (The Earth), WSOY, 1985, 345 s.
The Earth is a vision of the development and future of our planet through combining political power structures, environmental issues and the potential of modern technology into one durable entity. The book received the Lauri Jäntti Award.

Suomi — mahdollinen maa, (Finland  a Possible Country), WSOY, 1981, 189 s.
Finland – a Possible Country is a study of the possibility of a country like Finland developing on the basis of the so-called Zebra model and its combination of modern technology and environmental values. The book received the annual State Non-Fiction Award.

Maailma — alustava luonnos, (The World – a Preliminary Draft), WSOY, 1977, 278 s.
The World – a Preliminary Draft includes a poignant, comparative analysis of the cultures and societies of India, Peru, the Soviet Union and the United States, based on a theoretical background and extensive travels within these countries.